The following testimonials are unabridged, exactly as we received
them, so they may contain spelling errors.
We have numerous testimonials for human use, but these may
not be published, for legal reasons. If you would like to see your testimonial
published here, please contact us. |
Thank you for this good stuff. My old dog, old horse and me
(old) all take it. Thanks to my friends for telling me about
Karralyn Brown
South Grafton, NSW * |
Hello Steve, just want to
say thank you, my order arrived this morning 10 o'clock,
so that's Australia to Japan in less than five days, I'm
impressed, looking at your feedback I don't think you
need to use mine, but if you wish, feel free, I'm very
pleased to do business with you.
Kind regards
Graeme G. * |
Testimonial coming soon.
Picture provided.
See more pictures of Penny's horses
Penny Grov *
(Mackay, QLD)
Dear Steve,
Reb has been drinking and eating small amounts today.
He has gotten a lot of strength back.
You know, his tumour has turned from pink to black and
it looks like it has reduced about one third in size.
I am putting 1/4 tsp MSM into his water.
His reaction was very similar to mine when I did the
liver cleanse diet to get rid of my migraines.
I was only giving him 1 tsp per day. He is around 42kgs.
I really think that the MSM may have done him a great
deal of good, even though it wasn't pleasant.
I will keep you informed.
Marcia Hannan *

Dear Steve,
Well, Rebbie is absolutely fine. Normal strength and
appetite has returned.
His is a bit hot! Bloody weather! But he is really
You wouldn't have believed it was the same dog a day or
so ago.
Thank you for your support.
I have attached a silly jpeg that really tickled me.
Marcia Hannan * |
On April 17 I purchased MSM for the first time and 3
days later I received from WA. I have 2 horses racing
which have had several soundness problems in the past
this has restricted them physically and most definitely
been affecting their performance on the track the horses
were sent to me from city stables (Caulfield &
Flemington) and had been tried already.
I began supplementing their feed with MSM 20g per day
and within a few days I noticed small improvements in
their work and had immediate results on the track. The
first time I ran a horse since beginning MSM (7 days)
she stormed home to finish second (previous 2 runs
unplaced) by a short half head at 40/1.
My next runner the following week won at 16/1. I ran the
other mare for the second time since being on MSM she
also won. My horses have been on MSM for less than a
month and I have had the most fantastic results. Already
recommending MSM to all of my friends and colleagues.
Allison * |
“I saw a big difference in the horses receiving pure
MSM. They are doing better overall and have fewer
medical problems . The most impressive thing is how much
better they are training!"...
M Fisher *
(Experienced trainer) |
All the horses in my stable are routinely fed MSM and
I've found it an extremely useful and cost effective
supplement to their daily requirements.
My young horses continue to thrive in work for longer
and don't seem as prone to those little illnesses which
so often thwart babies in their
early campaigns.
The older horses who are often afflicted with joint
ailments are freer in their action and remain happier
without the use of 'drugs' to mask their problems. We
have had occasion to X-Ray some of these older horses
and my Vet has expressed amazement at how clean their
joints are, with one 7yo mare who had been on MSM most
of her career, having the legs of a '3yo' according to
the vet.
I cannot recommend this product highly enough. There are
many such supplements on the market but I have found
this one to be by far the best in terms of
effectiveness, value for money and palatability. Horses
seem to bloom in themselves when fed MSM, they are less
likely to develop or be affected by joint problems and
their general well being is never better.
Hope that is OK - sorry if I raved a bit, but I really
do like this product !!
Wagga Wagga, NSW * |
Hello, I will do direct deposit right now and am a very
happy customer of MSM as I can see the much improved
horse of mine! Doesn't show any lameness
anymore....will stick with MSM!!!
Michelle * |
Thankyou for having this stuff on-line at a reasonable
price. It has made my horse, who after an accident was
considered unrideable, rideable again. Which on a young
horse that you have bred, raised and broken in yourself,
Jack Becher * |
I used this product on my 23 year old quater horse that
has been suffering from Navicular Syndrome (for the last
8 years). The difference in him is amazing. Not only is
he walking so much better, he is standing up to the
other horses again..SO...thankyou from me and also from
Nothing has ever made any difference to him. As well as
that he has done a tendon in his back leg from cutting...that too is better.....if anymore developments
happen, i will let you know. But before this, his
chances of making it through winter were slim,
now....there is no concern, he is fantastic
Katrina Mann *

Steve and the rest of the MSM-Wholesale team
I am delighted to relate to you the benefits so far of
using your MSM product. Our first order arrived on 16th
On Steve's suggestion, our darling cat, Cadbury, has a
tiny amount in her milk every day, and doesn't seem to
notice, but we think her winter coat was the best it's
ever looked this season (it's great for hair, skin, and
nails). If you're getting on, do yourself a favour, and
experiment with some MSM.
Allan and Jayne L.

results may vary from person to person.